How to Request the 501st Legion

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Posts: 3914
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:07 pm
Legion id#: 10008
Name: Jeffrey Corbello
location: Lafayette, La

How to Request the 501st Legion

Post by Reela »

To request the Bast Alpha Garrison of the 501st Legion you have two options.

1. Visit this website and fill out the quick application. The request will be sent directly to our Event Coordinator, Executive Officer, and Commanding Officer.

2. Directly contact your favorite Bast Alpha Garrison member. Give them all the relevant information and they will relay it to Command Staff.

Please keep in mind that the 501st is an entirely volunteer organization. Therefore, we can not guarantee a minimum number of characters.

Due to our garrison guidelines, the Bast Alpha does not attend weddings or birthdays. Thank you for understanding.
Jeffrey Corbello - DZ-10008
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting
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