I have finally made enough progress to begin posting this...
Achievement Complete... Rebreather
Achievement Complete... Boots
Acheivment Complete... Pouches Aquired
Mask to Batters Helm pinned Left side
Bucket 7
12v micro fans installed in upper helm in hopes they will move air through vents at top (no real faith in this but won't be able to attempt it later so why not) it does blow quite a bit against my forehead when the mask front was attached so it might help evaporate the sweat at least. 12v blowers will also be added in front of Snout to bring air in, may also help disguise voice a bit.
Tapping the helm with 8-32 1/2" screws for new Darth Hair Aluminum Greeblies and beige screens over vents to insure they stay hidden.
Greeblie alignment
Lenses cut and set in greeblies
Leather Wrap (pic taken before lenses installed)
More to follow and of course please leave feedback
Also planning to do Sharad hett but not sure if this is the right place for him.
Thanks I await you comments!
Lasombrant's A'sharad Hett WIP
- Lasombrant
- BAG Member
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:10 pm
- Legion id#: 51009
- Name: Evan Roth
- location: Metairie, La.
- Location: Metairie, La.
Lasombrant's A'sharad Hett WIP
"Don't look so amazed. The Sith were always born and re-born within the ranks of the Jedi."
DZ-51009 - Asharad Hett
TI - 51009 (Tie reserve)
TI - 51009 (181st Pilot) Callsign Lasombrant
IC - 51009 (Bridge Crew)
IC - 51009 (Scanning Crew)
DZ-51009 - Asharad Hett
TI - 51009 (Tie reserve)
TI - 51009 (181st Pilot) Callsign Lasombrant
IC - 51009 (Bridge Crew)
IC - 51009 (Scanning Crew)
- Reela
- Posts: 3917
- Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:07 pm
- Legion id#: 10008
- Name: Jeffrey Corbello
- location: Lafayette, La
Re: Lasombrant's A'sharad Hett WIP
Looking good.
Jeffrey Corbello - DZ-10008
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting