work days

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Name: David Campbell
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work days

Post by Dewka »

for those that dont know, I have been holding a monthly work day at my house since 2014.

These are held every third Sunday unless that conflicts with a convention. I have had to move it a few times, but not many.

Please let me know if you plan to attend, you can answer here , PM me, or text me at 225 205 6633 the day before.

Please bring a snack, and folding chair. There isnt much that I do not have in the way of tools. If you have one of those large roling tubs it may be best to bring the pieces, my house runs out of room very quickly with all those tubs on the floor.

This months work day is Feb 18. If you do not have a project, you can still come and we will find a way to get you involved in the cutting, drilling, sawing and construction of costumes from at least ten groups that I can think of off hand.
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