Hey y'all,
I'll be back in town Jan 20- mid Feb, 2025. It would be great to have a small get-together while I'm visiting if folks feel up to visiting. I usually suggest Metairie's Cafe du Monde, cause it's easier to come/go. I'm definitely open to other coffee shop/cafe type ideas. I'm thinking something like a coffee shop is easier for folks than a full dinner. I'm pretty open to timing, especially between Jan 24- Feb 1.
Good luck with the convention next week. Sad that I won't be in town in time to help out. May the Force be with All Y'all!
-Krista "Tigger-ette" NEG 1682
Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
- tb8982
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- Posts: 207
- Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:34 pm
- Legion id#: TB8982
- Name: David Laville
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
Hey Krista, count me in, Cafe du Monde or a cafe is good with me either way.
- Reela
- Posts: 3914
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- Legion id#: 10008
- Name: Jeffrey Corbello
- location: Lafayette, La
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
I hope to be able to make it
Jeffrey Corbello - DZ-10008
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting
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- Posts: 148
- Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:28 pm
- Legion id#: 1682
- Name: Krista
- location: Boston
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
Awesome!!! How does Sunday Feb 2, 3pm work in your calendar?
I can certainly adjust the time or day, but I thought I'd throw out a date and see how it works for y'all!
(I just saw there's a big troop on Jan 25th, so if I can get out there, we could do a post-troop get together.)
Looking forward to being back with the Bast Alpha fam!

I can certainly adjust the time or day, but I thought I'd throw out a date and see how it works for y'all!

(I just saw there's a big troop on Jan 25th, so if I can get out there, we could do a post-troop get together.)
Looking forward to being back with the Bast Alpha fam!

- Reela
- Posts: 3914
- Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:07 pm
- Legion id#: 10008
- Name: Jeffrey Corbello
- location: Lafayette, La
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
I would prefer the post troop dinner.
Jeffrey Corbello - DZ-10008
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting
- BAG Member
- Posts: 148
- Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:28 pm
- Legion id#: 1682
- Name: Krista
- location: Boston
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
Hi y'all, Just posting here that I won't have a way to get to the troop this Saturday (1/25). If Sunday Feb 2nd at 3pm still works for folks, it's still open in my calendar.
I hope everyone hit by the Great Flurricane of '25 (or #Sneauxmeggedon) (or #Sneauxpocalypse) has power and water. We didn't have water (parish shut it off yesterday morning), and while we just got water back a main broke under the street in front of the house. So we're fully in hurricane mode with tubs full of water. We've already boiled a lot of water in preparation for boil water advisory with all the lines going out in the neighborhood.
It was fun shoveling, but I really miss my snow shovel and ice melt. It'll warm up dramatically by the weekend- so we'll get to enjoy the snow in the backyard till about Sat/Sun. And... maybe ice skating tomorrow morning depending on the main repair! hehe.
-Krista "Tigger-ette" NEG 1682
I hope everyone hit by the Great Flurricane of '25 (or #Sneauxmeggedon) (or #Sneauxpocalypse) has power and water. We didn't have water (parish shut it off yesterday morning), and while we just got water back a main broke under the street in front of the house. So we're fully in hurricane mode with tubs full of water. We've already boiled a lot of water in preparation for boil water advisory with all the lines going out in the neighborhood.
It was fun shoveling, but I really miss my snow shovel and ice melt. It'll warm up dramatically by the weekend- so we'll get to enjoy the snow in the backyard till about Sat/Sun. And... maybe ice skating tomorrow morning depending on the main repair! hehe.
-Krista "Tigger-ette" NEG 1682
- tb8982
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- Posts: 207
- Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:34 pm
- Legion id#: TB8982
- Name: David Laville
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
I'm still game, just keep me updated.
- BAG Member
- Posts: 148
- Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:28 pm
- Legion id#: 1682
- Name: Krista
- location: Boston
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
Hey y'all!! Hope you got through the snow week ok.
Sunday Feb 2 at 3pm is still open for me, and I think it'll be the last weekend I definitely can make space for hang out time. I'm open to trying out a new spot if folks don't feel up to beignets.
Sunday Feb 2 at 3pm is still open for me, and I think it'll be the last weekend I definitely can make space for hang out time. I'm open to trying out a new spot if folks don't feel up to beignets.
- tb8982
- BAG Member
- Posts: 207
- Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:34 pm
- Legion id#: TB8982
- Name: David Laville
Re: Visiting Trooper, Krista "Tigger-ette" (Jan-Feb 2025)
Didn't you mention you liked the Mexican restaurant near Vet's and David Dr.? I'm open to any other as well.